| 1. | Mark twain is a conspicuous example . 马克吐温就是一个显著的例子。 |
| 2. | Mark twain edited a newspaper in missouri . 马克吐温在密苏里编辑了一种报纸。 |
| 3. | The russian student's familiarity with mark twain delighted him . 苏联学生对马克吐温的熟悉程度使他大为惊喜。 |
| 4. | The "eastern" mark twain can be delicate to the point of prudery . “东部的”马克吐温竟可以严谨到一本正经的程度。 |
| 5. | Mark twain was a determinist. yet he never ceased to scold the human race . 马克吐温是一个宿命论者。然而他从未停止谴责人类。 |
| 6. | Mark twain poked fun at it in a connecticut yankee in king arthur's court . 马克吐温在《在亚瑟王朝廷里的一个康涅狄格州扬荃》一本书中对它取笑。 |
| 7. | His defects have been mercilessly indicated by mark twain in the essay entitled "fenimore cooper's literary offences" . 马克吐温在《库珀创作上的大病》一文中毫不客气地指出过他的缺点。 |
| 8. | Who else could have been on terms of intimate friendship with two writers as immensely unlike as mark twain and henry james ? 除了他,还有谁能与气质各异的马克吐温和詹姆斯都成为莫逆之交呢? |
| 9. | Mark twain would have cut it out himself, being much more anxious than the brahmins to achieve good taste . 马克吐温自己也可能把它拿掉的,因为他在讲究“风雅”方面比起绅士派人来有过之无不及。 |